Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Uncertain Truth and Beauty

At the beach the boy took his post. His shovel no toy.
He brandished a real tool to stem the tide.
As the enemy waves rolled in, to his joy
They collapsed as his vorpal blade plied
The sand and his foe vanished again
And again. My observation of this youth's
Triumph amid the breaking waves stoic Zen
Mastery of shells to sand proves Keats: Truth's
Beauty all right. I wish Heisenberg were here
To witness the Ocean's Windmill and the Boy's Quixote. 
Alas we are the ones altering the experiment. Near
The knight we are saved through no credit
of our own. Yet we are thankful for the witnessed present
and for those with us and yet now absent.


How I wished your vision could lift the whole church heavenward;
Yet the healing happens down here--one soul at a time.
Perhaps that is what you hoped we would understand
Eventually on the day you forgave the paralytic
That friendship lowered through the roof.
Holy roofs often make no room for

My Kitchen Debate


I remember

No recipe.

Mass produced

And still

My first experience of Christ

May have come

On a plate

After Kindergarten

In the Kitchen:

Tomato Soup


Peanut Butter and Jelly,


And Bread.

"Tell me the story again, Mom."

Monday, April 15, 2024

Why I will never vote for Donald Trump or anyone like him

Those who often make claims they cannot back up with proof, are not trustworthy enough for the nation's most powerful office. 

Example: Trump on peaceful transition if he loses: 'Get rid of the ballots' and 'there won't be a transfer' (nbcnews.com)

Those who abuse the justice system by using their fame and money hamper the flow of the legal system to save their skin by suing and appealing when no appeal is reasonable, do not deserve to help determine who sits on the highest court in the land.

Example: Supreme Court takes center stage in the Trump legal battles (nbcnews.com)

Those who use their fame and power to trigger mob violence do not deserve to lead a nation with nuclear weapon capability.

Example 1: Donald Trump tells Proud Boys to 'stand back and stand by' at debate (usatoday.com)

Example 2: Jan. 6 report: Trump 'lit that fire' of Capitol insurrection | AP News

Those who choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

1. Focus on a scapegoat. 

Example 1: Why Were the Jews Persecuted? | History Today

Example 2: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric makes inroads with some Democrats | AP News

2. Make the economy the fault of the scapegoat

Example 1: Exclusion of Jews from German Economic Life | Holocaust Encyclopedia (ushmm.org)

Example 2: U.S. Job Numbers Show Immigration Opponents Wrong About The Economy (forbes.com)

3. Elect a leader who is addicted to power and uses Numbers 1 and 2 to attain power.

Example 1. Adolf Hitler is named chancellor of Germany | January 30, 1933 | HISTORY

Example 2: The 2024 US Presidential Election?

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Monday, February 6, 2023

Dream deferred.

Dream deferred

With the missile, we missed a chance,
to return the balloon the children lost.
What would have happened if we took the string?
Guided it down to earth again. What answers 
might we have found in a drone's memory?
What reconnaissance dreams have stopped,
Now we made that balloon go pop?

Friday, January 6, 2023



Wall Epiphany

Let's take a field trip to the outer reaches

to look down a moment: see there?

What is that line that separates each as

two regions: us and them? A river perhaps? In error

one might think so. But, no. It is human built.

"From what fabric?" you may well ask. Brick and mortals

is one reply: A stone on stone structure of fear and guilt. 

Historical cycle trail is another answer--a dynasty portal:

Northern Hun raids followed by Southern comfort decline, some say;

But this all assumes an either-or reality designed to separate.

Until faith opens wide the border by allowing both-and a way

in. But, we like definition, so we crucify the both-and trinity spirit.

And accept a false truth about what makes the great wall

denying that it really is our inability to accept all and none.