Saturday, October 3, 2020

Tony's birthday waltz

 Speed is no indication of success. Just ask my friend, Tony,

A horseshoe crab. But do not expect words in response.

Let his wading waltz against toxic tides for near half an eon

Answer. Better to ask how he acclimates to the virus du jour.

Maybe it's his blue blood, or just immunity without impunity,

Arthropod (not crustacean) though he is.

No, he's not interested in the naming of the parts;

Dying (as most of us are) to be understood

Eternally and not just anthropomorphized as i do.

Regal in his own right, and more happy in the dance,

Slow and sure and not self conscious.

Irony in a shell helmet: Tony is the meek who will inherit.

Now my blank verse ebbs without ado to the

King Crab or Sand Sage (names more apt perhaps for one of Tony's lineage.)