Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The Warrior Marigold

The cardinals fight in a corner over their favorite tracts,
While some will gorge and some will starve.
And the old oak silently prays and acts 
to show them how far removed they are
from the reason that once filled rhyme by nature
with God's willing sacrifice that they themselves espouse
by beating about the bushes: red wings of stature.
And the gardener weary of the brazen weedy logic that surrounds
the best examples of the truth in beauty seen
is almost ready to use the power tools on it all,
if not for the orange glimmer amidst sickly green:
the cynicism of the age that chokes with gall.
Then as if a prince from some fairy tale, a new Pope with eyes on stalwart hope tears
the briar back, beholds his weakness in the warrior marigold and forgives his peers. 

Friday, May 15, 2015


Mein Nachbar heisst Stephen

Mein Nachbar heisst Stephen
Der wohnt quer hinueber und lehrt Kinder Kunst
Er hilft mir mal eben and maeht oft sein Rasen
Obwohl er heute zuhause nicht ist.

Seh mal wie sieht er die Welt an mit Liebe.
Ein stueckchen Land rasiert nicht er, und rettet Naturs Liede.