Friday, March 24, 2017


In like a lamb
That German monk that lived so long ago: Eckhart
He said, more or less: if the only prayer you say in  
Answer is "Thank You," it would be enough. Apart
Now from those who would hear me, still when 
Kindness comes out of nowhere, i know
Years of misunderstanding are not enough to 
Overturn what the act of that dying blow 
Unleashed to sin, once and for all. We grew 
So much in that moment of his election 
One life for God alone to show us how to live. 
Many are confused by our daily, slo-mo crucifixion
Uniting us with him. Each thank you, we give--
Chosen not forced-- each step pounds like hammers:
Hear the roar subside as the journey begins: soft as lamb's ears.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Walking in your shoes

Where i come from You were so much bigger:
Holding my fingers to balance

Every step and guide me. Your figure
Reaches to me even today to steady my stance.
Each step i take reminds me i am not alone.
I still hear your voice's amusement when i teeter.
Chasing me later, were you sorry for my runaway abandon
Or did you know the outcome from the theater
Margaret Wise Brown painted for us--as the bunny championed
Escape in so many ways only to be captured with love
Forever? Now here we stand precariously. I watch you
Reach with your cane. I cower from above
Only now realizing what you meant by your smiles and winks:
"Maybe bunny literature is the answer to the riddle of the sphinx."