Thursday, December 24, 2015

12-24-2015 Miniature Nativity Scenes

Background: i was born in 1959 in July. Near the day i was born is the date of the so called Kitchen Debates between Nixon and Khrushchev. 1959. A time between complacency and revolution, between capitalism and communism. At the beginning of the space race, Christ still standing by to launch in peaceful stillness.
From this time-forge i came into the world. Here are two poems about my experience: (Not Sonnets, but, oh well.):

My Kitchen Debate (First published in Alive Now June/August 2006)
I remember
No recipe.
Mass produced
and still 
My first experience of Christ
May have come 
On a plate
After Kindergarten
In the Kitchen:
Tomato Soup
Peanut Butter and Jelly,
and Bread.
 "Tell me the story again, Mom."

Too Beautiful to be an accident
In my childhood kitchen we had on one wall 
A refrigerator (on the left)
A freezer (on the right)
In between was the space where
our portable dishwasher
spent most of its time.
On the opposite wall was the sink
where we connected the dishwasher
to run the dishes.
And when the dishwasher hummed,
I would sometimes sit in the space
between fridge and freezer, 
and feel the appliance warmth
and dream.
One day when i was maybe 10
I sat tween freezer and fridge
(amid the soft washing hum)
i spied a pattern of dots 
on the side of the freezer that
appeared as the likeness 
of a bust of the Virgin Mary
looking down at me: 
a mystery
my first real, true mystery.
How did it get there and who made it?
and the voice came to me
"However it came to be,
It's just too beautiful
to be an accident."