Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 i have a wall of cassette tapes. Recently as they stared

not so blankly from their wooden cases, i realized that they

contain many memories: some fond and others of dared

moments best left unexplored. Still, i was curious, you might say.

So, i started listening to them and transferring them from silence

to computer files, thinking i might find something to move you

to laughter or perhaps just a smile on your birthday. Per chance

you even have some of these recordings in a case of your own. You do?

Well, i admit they are like my memories that come up on repeat 

whenever we get together. i know in my advancing age

i repeat myself, and not because i am under stress to complete

my thought. The grooves that were once vinyl skip page

by page. The rhythm of the ticking reminds that the record is over,

but i let it go on longer than i should just for the soothing nature

of it. Warren Zevon, Jonathan Richman, The Roches, Cover

versions of them we played together. All passing muster

the minute after they were recorded, but sounding butt-ugly now.

Sometimes time loops like a flail: just to remind us who is laughing, wow.