Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Harmony be with you if peace is not

"Greet the enemy with the respect you would like," offered Wu 
"Instantly your conflict becomes a dance. Keep thanks for God at your
Very center no matter what move your opponent makes. Do
Internal work to prepare for battles before they knock at the door.
Now is all you ever have to show praise for the Grace
God has given you. In Daniel's moment like a small stone sailing at
Goliath's brow: The words to his enemy: 'Why are we fighting, ace?'
Open path and direct hit. Silence. There is no reason, failing that, 
Doing what is expected. Following orders. Any reason one can name
Truly falls short of  sanity. Death. Vengeance. Honor. There is no need for it. 
How precious is all life? Too precious to take in the name of an idea.
All rhyme and reason falls apart in justifying war. 
No enemy exists who is truly aligned with evil unless we choose not to 
Kiss and make up projections of our inner faults
Sometimes we must understand instead of taking our stand. 

Monday, November 24, 2014


Unseen Melodies are Sweeter

"Place a child's hand held game system over the photo, then
Look and see what is there." With this Jack produced
A portable game console and placed it over the evidence.
"You see?" "What is that?" McPherson asked with confused
Interest. "Near as I can tell that is Harold or should I say Herald"
Stunned at this revelation, McPherson repeated. "Herald Angel!
That spherical thing with winglike arcs is ...
"Herald of an Angel. Daniel has a good sense of humor. Harold Angel!
Exceptionally funny don't you think? Simple code keeps secrets inside.
This sphere, or whatever, is essentially an interdimensional phone call!
How many times in Biblical history have angels been described
In terms of something part human, part winged animal.
Not creatures at all but what nature looks like when a message
Goes through from one dimension to another. Sound waves in dimensional passage." 

Saturday, November 22, 2014


The intersection of Dimension and Vine

"Doesn't copy!" Blurted McPherson with a scowl,
"Every printed page is in blue ink that does not repro.
Photos come out somewhat. What now?"
"Take out your cell phone and take photos.
Have a scone?" asked Oneal as his partner
Plopped in the chair across from him.
Eyeing the pages and clicking the photos for starters"
"Right. Photos of Daniel alone. This is too grim.
Can't believe we are wasting our time on Harold.
Empty pursuit and that's the truth!" commented Jack's
Partner. "Only empty until you use the 3D viewer on 'em."
"The what?" McPherson looked confused. "Look on the back"
Instructions for how to view a hologram appeared
On the back of photo. "To catch an angel, add a dimension. Weird!"  

Friday, November 21, 2014


Aim higher than the target

"Look McPherson, we know that Daniel is gone. We know 
He had an imaginary friend. This Harold. Why would the Sergeant
And the other brass be interested in a figment though?
Doesn't make sense they would be interested in a miscreant's
Dream. That's why I am interested. Let's find out a
Little about this Harold. Maybe following Daniel
Always was a fool's errand. If you want to pout about
Our loss, do it on your time. I am not going play Cocker Spaniel.
Rather I am going to concentrate on what Daniel was after.
Something tells me this Harold has the answers to that
Each time you follow a suspect you get to the scene late. I'd rather
Look at the suspect's horizon and get there first. Well what
Are you waiting for. Take this file folder on Harold Angel.
When you are through making a copy, meet me at the the cafe for a bagel." 

Thursday, November 20, 2014


John Keats's Day in Court

"What on earth are you talking about. We administer justice.
Heck with beauty. Get a grip will you?
Are you flippin' mad, Jack? We can't just allow any cuss
To alter timelines at his discretion. And who
Put this Daniel in charge like that? Also, as far as we know,
(Recorded and observed) there is no Harold.
Its just some figment of Daniel's twisted ego!"
Calmly Jack looked into McPherson's gold-
Edged spectacles and replied. "Look, maybe
Beauty and Truth and Justice are more tightly 
Entangled than we have the ability to see.
And I don't know why I can't rightly
Understand what I wrote about how Daniel vanished of late
Tea leaves? omens? poppycock! There is no reason to pursue him into his alternate state."    

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Big fish in a little song

McPherson looked steadily in disbelief at Jack. "I Don't
Understand. What do you mean you have decided to
Close the case? We are so close to catching him!" he moaned.
"Harold Angel is the case I have been assigned to. Besides you
Are overestimating our position. We are not any closer to catching
Daniel than when we started. I realized that when I was at the cafe,"
Oneal stated to his partner back at the department office. Watching
Angrily, McPherson blurted: "You didn't go to get coffee!
Breath-o-lizer test for you! Pronto! You went to the pub, right?
Open your mouth then. C'mon!" At this Oneal pushed past his partner. "I
Understand your confusion, but I have made up my mind. I am not tight."
The calm resolve in Jack's voice lended to the verity of the statement. "Why
Not sleep on it, ay?" McPherson pleaded." "No need, Jack returned,  
"O Thing of beauty so short thy life, in your moment,  I thy beauty learned."

Sunday, November 16, 2014


What happens to a song deferred?

"Comfort is a wonder. Thank you, Helen," Oneal  
Held out his mug for more and his server poured.
And so it was amid the rush of steaming coffee he could feel
Saul's transformation on the road to Damascus. His thoughts soared
Inspired by sight restored. No he could not yet see. But he felt
Now that his days of darkness were numbered. The years
Gone by spent on a chronological conveyor belt
Were ending. Jack sensed his a welling of tears.
It was as if he were in some tale by O. Henry
Now he was close to having the goods on Daniel.
Daniel, who had clearly messed with laws of nature when he

Ought not to have. But maybe the song was hurtful.
Why else would such a bizarre set of circumstance
Sever it from its moment of reaching an audience.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Fill that cup?

On further consideration of the recipe, Jack noted
No specific step as significant to the success

(Even though all steps had their impact) of dough to bread,
With transformation in general, as the sharing of one's uniqueness.

Really substitutions could be made, except for that kind of love.
Intense mourning filled Jack for the years he had spent
Taking that sharing as the air that was all around: below and above
(True sustenance) for granted. "Fill that cup, luv?" the waitress smiled at his nodded assent.
Enjoying that blessed interruption in an entirely new way
Now officer Jack Oneal felt so very thankful and no longer alone.

Coding of connection was built into each day.
One could choose to feel separate, this was true, but one could atone.
Defeat was nothing more than turning away from hope.
Every day presented an option to renew connection and do more than cope. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


On further inspection of The Tony Cycle Jack found a
Recipe tucked into the book as a bookmark perhaps.
A handwritten instruction revealed a pound of 
Nuanced conservation was an inherent belief of a chef who maps 
Good advice into the list of baking steps. And Jack waxed
Eloquent in his mind on the sort of person who offered
You a bit of their life experience along with a list of facts.
Oh sure, you could get on well enough just following the herd.
Usually one learns to read between the lines or listens to
Grandma in the kitchen and gets the love and the lesson.
Lonely pursuit that: not heeding the little suggestions. You
Are liable to miss some of someone's life's mission. 
Diaries of experience knock-knock on one's door to remind:
"I didn't say Banana. Hey, most of love is about forethought of different kind."

Monday, November 10, 2014



The next thing Daniel knew Wu was whisking him off to a park.
"Have you ever heard the one about the immovable object
Encountering the unstoppable force?" was Wu's next remark.
"Of course." responded Daniel. "And which are you? Be circumspect!"
Retorted Wu. "I do not engage in frivolous wars, I am neither."
"You surprise me Daniel, I would have pegged you as a 'wall man.'
Ok. So you are a bystander then, I will give you that. What brief air
Flows in a moment eternal?" Daniel answered, "God's CPR to Adam."
"The teacher learns from the student I see. Ok one more: Who can be
Held responsible for the end of the cold war between America and the USSR
"Everyone knows that, it was Reaganomics: raise the ante until one side runs out of money."
"Wrong! it was Robert Frost. He wrote "Mending Wall." Both Reagan and Gorbachev were
Avid readers but Gorbachev understood the poem and Reagan didn't.
Let's just say that the em-path taken by Gorby made all the difference.
"Let's just say you are drunk," Daniel submitted with unusual spunk.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


No Rubber Bullets Required

Good thing for Daniel, Wu was in a good mood.
Every person Daniel passed looked at him as if to say
"Thinks he's in a New York City neighborhood."
Until one particularly brash man said, "OK
Put this back in your pocket."  Wu ripped the card
Mightily from Daniel's forehead. "Where do you think
Our paths are supposed to cross?" "Here on the boulevard?"
"Very good, but you needn't make such a stink!
Everyone is staring!" Wu was a slender but daunting presence.
But Daniel felt oddly pleased to be in his company.
And it reminded him of the time at a Frank Zappa event
Crowded at the stage front, the artist had saved many
Kindred fans by making crowd control into a bit of performance art while
Singing: "Get up. Move back. Sit down." It made the fans dial   
It back down and prevented a surety of mass bashing from hired security.    


First Fist

So with the slam of his apartment door
Understanding left with Harold
Patiently Daniel gazed for a diamond like the Koh-i-Noor;
Reached out and touched air. Cold
Embers in the fireplace shifted with the
Movement of wind from Harold's departure.
Enough mystery in his single word to make a
Universe wonder. So Daniel gathered the resolve he could muster,
Leapt to his feet and directed himself  Wu-ward.
The card was supposed to act as an introduction.
It was completely blank. Daniel held it like a throwing star.
"Maybe I should just paste it to my forehead and await further instruction."
And that is what he did. He was feeling hungry so he went
To get a bite to eat and as he walked to the diner, he spent
Each moment enjoying the looks of passers-by; trawling for Wu to take the hook.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Finding Dr. Wu

"I know you are tired. Just try not to exhaust yourself.
New environments are challenging. Despite the fact
That everything looks comfortable here you are on a new shelf
Of existence. Listen to what your body is saying. You can't act
The part you don't feel. So listen to what you body tells you,"
Harold looked in expectation at Daniel. "Well, OK. Can I get a guide?"
"Exactly! Harold agreed. "A guide is a great idea! Try Philip Wu!
Now take his card!" Harold handed Daniel a business card that was all white.
"Excellent and how am i supposed to read this blank card?" "Use an
X-acto knife and cut out all the parts that are not Dr. Wu's business card!

Take a trip to the park watch the children playing, get a tan.
First and foremost relax and wait. When the moment to move onward
Opens, the card will introduce you to Dr. Wu.
Right. well i am off to the movies. East St. Louis Toodle-oo!"
Moving into a posture of objection, Daniel found Harold raced in the opposite direction.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Lightspeed is not fast enough for truth

"Truly you make me feel like Adam in the garden of
Eden questioning God about the nature of death."
Answered Daniel. "Never equate me to God above
Replied Harold seriously. "Not even in jest." God's breath
Shimmers through all creation and it is right to look for traces
Time and again in others. But we are creatures not the Creator.
"Am I able to view what is happening the in the timelines adjacent?"
"I wouldn't if I were you at this point even if you could. Mental theater    
Never emancipates us when dealing with timelines. That is why the Bible
Educates us not to attempt divination on the Holy Spirit's dime.
Daniel, when you journey to the next dimension it will be viable.
Not now though, it would be like viewing it from an airplane. Looks orderly and sublime
Obviously though you cannot see the closeup details from that position.
The truth is light is not the way to illuminate truth. Even light is too slow to reveal intuition." 
"Errors in translation, eh? Well, 'my head beats like a song by the Clash, writing cheques that my body can't cash.'"

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Unknown understated

"Tell me about the believesphere, Harold, what is it like?
Oh well words will hamper what I mean to tell you
But i will try. I guess you could say it the place where faith hikes,
Explores its unknown parts an relishes each drop of dew.
Like an arena where collaboration replaces competition.
It's like the certainty you feel but can't put your finger on.
Every hope lives there. And the odd thing is those who petition
Victory in this wonderfully mixed up plane, there don
Every medal and remain unknown. So be happy for trials,
Suffering, and loss for the sake of love. Remain humble.
Phantasize against the ruling group-thought. Search miles
Here and leagues there and all the while hear the cockleshell.
Expect the believesphere to break the sense barrier.
Rare is the mailbag of eternity so keep watch for the carrier.
Every letter in that pouch is the wonder of unthought pleasant scorches. Ouch.


What profits a prophet?

"Well, I suppose I can manage that," Daniel replied.
"Onward now. No looking back. The rose of dawn
Needs watering. And I have lost my living tide.
Dust on the river bed will I think on.
Ever looking for the shape my new story 
Resists to take and hoping all the while.
Where have the whales gone? No need to worry. 
Humpbacks of our lady ring the bells. For miles
Every Jonah waits for taxi service to their fates.
Rare gems of experience and sunlight glisten
End of the world begins to seem dated
Like a lonely man's way to think he listens.
In daily lives the cries and smiles fend off the steam
Of revelation as the venting of an interpretless dream
Now has a more important lesson, than any Augustinian confession."

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Printing pressed

Taking a look at the wall unit, Daniel saw
A particular volume of poetry he had missed
Before. "I see The Tony Cycle is a part of this time flaw."
"Lots of that edition are here" Harold confessed.
Edition One. You brought it from one timeline over
One of the last in that timeline in fact.
Found it in your pocket."  "The cover
Needs to be repaired," Daniel said looking at the back.
"Open it to page iii." Daniel complied. "This is
Nonsense where is the acrostic of the poems?"
"See that is a result of your bringing this
Edition into a new timeline. Check it with other tomes
Next time you are in a book store. You possess a misprint
Should be worth about a cool mil. Which, of course, is a hint.
End any thought of selling it now. No one can EVER see it. No way. No how."

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Trigger nom et tres

The cafe was where Jack came to get inspired
And he slumped into his usual booth
Looking at the little book he'd just acquired.
Editions. Plural. Of this obscure book. His youth
Offered little time for reading what with his
Father having died when he was very young.
Time was money for Jack. Education, hit or miss.
When he did have a moment he had sung
Over at the local pub. Irish ballads mostly.

Edition Two. OK. How different could it be?
Daniel must be asking the same question. Ghostly
Images of what it all could mean suddenly
Tormented Jack: A bullet hole in a muse's heart?
Spheres colliding as they drift apart?