Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Manna time

The waitress shot bolt upright, hands on hips
"Okay, listen, I will bring you the house special.
My treat. You will eat it and like it! Remember my tip!"
And with this she spun on her heel. "Quintessential
Server response, that! McP gestured with an arched brow
Toward the swinging kitchen doors. Jack was otherwise
Engaged with a train of thought that was so
Realistic he swore he could feel the rail rattle and ties
Of the track disappear at the same time.
For some time now he had wanted
Nothing more than to prove Daniel's crime.
Or at very least to catch him. Now what daunted,
Nay, what vexed him was he had aided in his escape.
Even so he felt glad and satisfied. The waitress returned with a crepe.