Friday, October 31, 2014
A treat trick to try at home
And now a word from our sponsor: All blessings flow.
Kindness heals the stiffness that the mind congeals.
If one person stops to say "how are you?" all powers bow
Surely to the force of directed love's appeals.
So let not fist, nor scowl, nor sword, nor any weapon withstand
The intention of goodwill toward all. Stand tall
Until you cannot stand, but smile and give with open hand
Reach into the basket and take some joy! For all
New friends are just a sharing reach away.
Sweets are sweeter when offered gladly
And richer all who see a need and respond today
Now think on those you know or see, who look down sadly.
Give a treat to one who madly frowns away life's pleasure.
End a bad dream with a single candy-coated treasure.
Right before you a miracle stands, melts in the heart, not in the hand.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Into the mythology
Now that Jack had the Tony Cycle he felt odd satisfaction
On the right path or just happy that he had a task
To complete: Read the tomes and compare editions.
He wanted to know what the differences were and ask
Intelligent questions of Daniel about his knowledge of Harold.
Now he could begin. And he did by going to his favorite cafe.
"Got to do some reading now McPherson. See you back at the fold.
Tomorrow we can think about next steps." "This case will drive me daffy."
Offered Jack's partner. "Like no case I have ever been
Fortunate enough to participate in," rejoined Jack.
"Eh, yeah." McPherson replied. "Well I would not have seen
A silver lining on this case. But I'll give you it's a head scratcher that."
"Right. Off you go then. Wish me luck in understanding this
But, God knows, I am not one to decipher visions. Off to see the Wiz."
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Inside out
Daniel paused for a moment. "What did you have in mind?
A lighter shade of pale? A white room with black curtains?
Yellow?" Harold smiled and then offered. "Something of that kind.
Outside with you Daniel! Time to look around. A certain
Freedom from the past is what you need most.
Release your expectations. Where have you never been?"
"Everest." Came Daniel's reply. "Give up the ghost
Can't you? The outwardly exotic is not attainable when,
Really, you have not exhausted the inwardly exotic.
Ever see the movie "My Dinner with Andre?"
"At least 3 times," Daniel replied. "Well Wally world is the spot i pick
To send you," Harold returned. "But you just said in a various and sundry
Individual way that i should go out not in. So what am i to think.
Opt for the guru on the mountain top or celebrate the water i drink?"
No Answer. "Perhaps I'll go to the park. Watch the children playing. Maybe i'll find in my head what my heart is saying."
Monday, October 27, 2014
Back at the apartment
The morning light spread across the interior.
Harold's voice came softly to Daniel,
"Eyes open, Daniel time for a new day." He inferred or
Made an educated guess that the tan well
On the far side of the room was the wall unit.
"Must have fallen asleep." he yawned squinting.
"Everything ok?" asked Harold playing a minuet
Now on a CD Daniel did not recognize. "Hinting
That it is time to dance are you?" Daniel asked.
"Oh it is always dance time for me, I just
Thought you could use a bit of rest. Tasked
Right to the limit you have been of late. Rust
Umber is your shade isn't it?" Harold remarked.
The interior of Daniel's apartment was heavy on earth tones. This sparked
Harold's interest. Ever consider redecorating. Something a bit more invigorating?"
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Cure?
If you could develop a vaccine to keep
Most germs at bay. What would you choose
Microchemistry aside, to save so many from sleep?
Unicorns breath? Something more arcane? Try but you will lose.
No, the best medicine for common germs is strong immunity.
If that is so then who among can shield our systems from hell?
The lowly horseshoe crab might be the best (of family Limulidae)
Yes this arthropod is sturdy and not just for its shell.
Below the depths for 450 million years the HC has survived.
You want an elixir from Ebola? Our friend must have it inside.
For imagine all the germs it has bested after all it has imbibed.
I think that we shell never see a life form tough as old HC. Besides
Really wonderful things have already been done in Medicine with HC blood.
Every piece of knowledge we cherish may be saved by one who slogs through mud.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Key is its own Puzzle
While fishing the boy called Thomas O.
Had a vision long ago of how the verse-uni
Alters with observation so
Time must not in a single string pursue.
It baffled him though what form to give
Shape comprehendable to the idea of time
Alas this is the physicists plight: the concept sieve
Confounds seekers of Promethean fire. Adam's crime
Oft is blamed for lack of resources but truly
No end of what we need is in great supply.
Concept, a true and pure concept of things unsensed duly
Enumerated would light upon dark matter aptly.
Perhaps to view ten dimensions one needs ten eyes;
Thought Thomas O. when a horseshoe crab appeared as his prize.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Pop goes the Poem
The musty smell of old books and wood shelves
Remained in Daniel's nostrils as he left the book store.
Until he had the first edition of the Tony Cycle
The only thing he could do was pace the proverbial floor.
How was it that there was no pop song being made
Of "The Horseshoe Crab?" Had he dreamed it all?
Reciting the poem over and over, Daniel played
Diverse scenarios of what might have happened. A fall
At a concert in Asia to the group's piano player?
Right thumb of the bass player injured in Rome.
Laughable ideas to say the least. No. It had to be grayer.
If the band had somehow gotten an edition sans the poem.
Now that had promise. And soon he would know.
Get the right edition to the band at their next show.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Metaphors be with you
"Take it if it will help," Michael said reaching up to get
His only copy of the The Tony Cycle.
"Ever read it yourself?" Jack asked. "Nah. I let
Inquiries drive my inventory. Any book I like'll
Never sell. So I don't try to guess trends.
Forgive the dust." Michael said handing the book over.
Opening to the dedication page Jack read. "Nothing transcends
Ralph Waldo Emerson in my book." Jack looked at the cover
Momentarily before flipping to the table of contents.
All the titles seemed odd to Jack. "Twiz." "Jim knows how."
"The Horseshoe Crab" "Odysseus visits customer service." "Where the whale went."
"Inscrutable. That's poetry in a nutshell if you ask me," stated McPherson with wrinkled brow.
"Only if you don't speak the poet's metaphors," returned Jack.
"Now to see how the editions differ. Get me the one Daniel ordered too. I'll be back."
Revision History
"Why do you say that?" Jack asked. "Dunno. Something in
His eyes. Like a drain emptying. Confusion.
I can't put my finger on it, but he looked lost. Firing pin
Refusing to work in the noggin and that. No contusions.
Looked physically fit, but something really sad in those eyes.
Well, must get back to work. Take some more cashews
If you like!" the shop owner offered." Jack could sympathize
Now and again with his alleged perpetrators by walking in their shoes.
Daniel was clearly dealing with some issues. Talking to himself.
Confiding in this invisible Harold about the most bloody obtuse
Hypotheses of the make up of the universe. Jack scanned the shelf
Above Michael's head. One book cover: bright chartreuse
Stood out. "Let me see that book by T. O. Maxwell called the The Tony Cycle"
"Eh? Oh that is like the book that Daniel wanted, but its the wrong edition," replied Michael.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
The Fugitive
"Well, not today, Michael. Looking for a chap named Daniel.
Has he been in the store today?" Oneal asked.
"I believe he was just here." Looking for a book by Manuel
Crikey. No that wasn't it. Maxwell! Book of Poetry. Faxed
His order in just this minute, see!" and handed the order
With gusto, as he liked thinking he was part of
An important police investigation. Pointing to the back corridor,
"You just missed him he headed that way! Darted off
Down the back stairs." "So he did not have the book then?
Inquired Oneal. "No we didn't have it on hand. Have to
Deliver it to his office when it comes in," returned Michael. "When?"
"Have it next week likely." "Did you talk with him about it?" "Cashew?
Eat 'em constantly. Love 'em," Michael blurted and held out a bowl.
"Go through them like mad. No can't say he talked about book the bless his soul."
Monday, October 20, 2014
Never end with a question
Just as Jack and his sidekick were about to give up,
A new opportunity arose. "Let's check that book shop on the
Corner," offered Jack and the two men walked toward the Trivia Cup
Kitchen and paused to admire the baked goods' aroma
"Nothing like a scone from the Trivia Cup," observed
Oneal. "I prefer the Bear's Claws," added McPherson.
Light was fading from the western sky. A familiar curved
Arc was slightly above the distant horizon.
"Not now. I don't want to lose the scent
The hour is getting late," Oneal stated firmly.
"Ende's Neverending Emporium," the officer read aloud. "Spent
Right many an hour in here. Evening, Michael! How's Hermione?"
Nodding to the owner sweeping outside the book store.
"So-so. She having an allergy spell. Come to look for more family lore?"
Sunday, October 19, 2014
When we would meet
Daniel looked up again his mind like a bee-hive
"I send my thoughts like satellites
into the orbit of your lives
broad arcs throughout your daily rites
perhaps you'll remember the days
our paths were not distant but near
so near we touched like finger plays
on a wine glass rim, so that its orbit rings in ear.
Or when our laughter bounced like children
on a trampoline with only breath to keep us
from laughing into the vast reaches of heaven
on our moon walk under the deep blue cover plus
speckled night lights. Waiting for the sight
of each return from the journey of night.
Of orbs so wondrous in my view, across Vermont's October sky with you."
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Now Daniel put his hands behind his head.
"Oblio changed his world by changing his perspective.
That is what he did, although he never said
Anything really that defiant. He accepted the invective
Lots of others thrust on him and wandered
Lonely at their bidding and just discovered
Points of view and brought them back unlaundered.
Only those who had lost heart glowered.
I guess we all take turns in each set of shoes."
Now Daniel's shift to this new world felt more grounded
Though he still had a sense of wander blues
Looking back at the wall unit it seemed like Mount
Everest to him. Lots of adventure. No time for squandering.
So maybe the best journey for now is my mind wandering.
Simple thoughts with the will of the chant, stand on shoulders of friendly giants.
Friday, October 17, 2014
On the next shelf down was an old typesetter's case
For storing movable type used in old printing presses.
Figurines, Photos, Icons and more replace
The type the case was designed for. Daniel guesses
His mom had found it in a yard sale decades ago.
Engines for trains and old steam tractor toys
Shared the case. Also a picture of Oblio,
Harry Nilsson's anti-hero from the cartoon: "The Point"
Every time Daniel looked at the little dough-
Like boy with the knitted point cap,
Fond memories of listening to the story
On his old record player came even with the tap-tap-tap
Repeating at the end of a side. His history
Olio is what his mom had called the case of wood
Now it comforted him in this new spacetime for good.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Then Daniel looked to the next shelf on the wall unit.
He noticed a murder mystery he'd read once.
"Eventually," Harold had told him, "you will become bored with it."
Usually, Harold was right, but he felt like a dunce
Soon as he discovered why: The real murderer is always the author.
Unlikely, perhaps, that such news would act as a spoiler.
At least there was always the how and why of it. But Moth or
Lit lamp, one rarely cared to place blame on the writer of a pot boiler.
Silly really. Like a kind of literary biting the hand that feeds.
Universe creation is universe creation even if a death
Slalom is the basis. And Harold was right about the seed
Planted by the creator. One becomes bored with linking downfall and breath.
Effect and cause get you only so far.
Concentrate, rather, on the voice and roll down the windows in the car.
There is enough wonder in a moment, without seeking a reason to foment.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Wander lonely as a cloud among clouds
Well the problem with seeing with the mind
Harold had pointed out to Daniel, is you may
Altogether miss what you should see. Be kind
To your world and let it reveal itself the way
It is and not the way you have labeled it to be.
Romantic poets made their names on exactly this:
Expectation leads to a type of untruth. Emotionally
Altering the object is like aesthetic surgery on bliss.
Daniel thought of Heisenberg and string theory.
Is it just that we want so badly to see ourselves
Anthropomorphized in a veneer's mirrory
Transformation, that we would as soon acknowledge elves,
Echo, and other myths such as the freewill of particles
Undulating, as admit that only five senses require faith articles:
Perception is a two way street. God's painting will never be complete.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Circus Animals Dessert Shun
Daniel woke from his rest and the morning sun's
Early rays shone on the wall unit in his apartment.
Merry animals on the box of Nabisco cookies attributed to Barnum's
Opry were in the spotlight. Daniel remembered how he'd spent
Nearly an entire evening in his parent's basement arguing
Cookie theology with his friend Chad. His friend
Opined that a cookie he had extracted from the 3-rings
Of "Crackers" Nabisco had so slyly penned,
("King Kong-like" is what Daniel called its shape)
In actuality was the image of a demon demur.
Even though Daniel saw nothing more than an ape
Sitting, Chad was sure it was no lemur,
Bear, nor any critter of God's hand.
Orc or gargolyle, perhaps, but evil sure from some baker's no man's land.
Xray eye for evil, Chad claimed was his gift, Daniel had to cede this much, no but, and, or if.
Monday, October 13, 2014
What God's kindness looks like
"Go look down the side streets, McPherson!
Right from under our noses the man is gone!
Action and Condition in an inequal equation.
Ceased so gradually we could see right through bone."
Each moment of this remarkable occurrence played
Again and again in Jack's mind. And where were his
Notes. He was writing them and then they were mislaid!
Daniel was a tall and sturdy man in his late twenties.
Really, there was no just up and becoming air!
Exceptional truly! Like getting an accountant's
Position on repenting in a state of grace. Not fair
Eyeing the bottom line on that one! Fountains
Never run backward. Doesn't happen except in the mind!
True the mind can do it. Jack toyed with this. God is kind.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
A Circle Warped
Now Daniel was aware of his surroundings again.
On the wall in his living room was the painting
That his mom had given him of Kepler when
They moved out of his childhood home. Tainting
His memory of that day was the fact that all
Endearing aspects of his youth were being sold.
Childhood memories of playing astronaut in freefall,
Listening to music in his room, and, all told,
Every bad memory as well would become
Alcoves of someone else's daily routine.
Never before had he thought of this painting as some
Evocative jump point to days gone by. Two teen
Summers he had spent staring at the somber
Teutonic visage in his mom's study. "Slumber
Break for me now," he yawned, while on the street below Jack looked for the life he'd pawned.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Parallel Multiverse
"Wait for me!" McPherson yelled as Jack went
Hurriedly after Daniel as he left the pub. With
Every step outside the drinking establishment
Nothing could have prepared them for what they could not miss.
Translucence is expected in windows but not humans.
And translucent was exactly what Daniel was becoming
Now as he strolled down the street. "I'll be. Do men
Go all glass-like as a rule here? It's just mind-numbing
Let me write this down." And as Jack wrote the word 'vanished'
Every last trace of Daniel left the street ... along with the note
"MacPherson! Did you see that? And how did I manage
Ending my note without paper?" "Listen Jack. Not an oat.
Not one oat of what came out of your mouth
Truly makes sense. He probably turned a corner or went south."
Friday, October 10, 2014
Frowning at his comrade in arms, Jack paused.
"Okay, look Jack," McPherson went on,
"Rest is what you need. I don't know what caused
Everything and you don't either. You wrote what you are bent on
'Stead of what happened. Let it go. I have a report to make."
If Jack believed otherwise, he did not show it.
"Good. Right you are," he ceded, "My mistake."
He folded the note and stood silent a moment.
"Tea at the Cafe later?" he added brightly
"Three-forty five, ok?" "Yeah, fine," came the reply.
Edging away from his partner's desk, he trod lightly
Now, not sure of himself nor of his next move. Deeply
Terrified of his own instability in the moment. This
Enigma was not of his making. He had arrived to take the quiz.
Nothing he studied was on the test. And scoring is curved on a jest.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Memo RE: Vised
Then Jack took out his notes. Considered item seven as if it were a lie.
"How did it get there? I don't remember writing it," he managed
Exasperated at last to voice, then read it aloud: "McP and I
Leave pub to follow Bloom, but he appears to have vanished.
I must see McPherson right away." The disgruntled officer
Settled his tab and rushed back to HQ.
"Tell me what we did after Bloom left the bar,"
He exploded as he returned to the office to
Elicit a justifiably startled: "Which time?
Been dogging the bloke for weeks now?"
"Use your head McPherson, Today! Blimey!"
"I dunno, came back here after you paid for the chow."
"Look at this! Did we follow Bloom directly to find him gone?"
"Trying to have some fun with me are you? No." replied McPherson.
Monday, October 6, 2014
The cafe of requirement
The usual path for opening an investigation lead
Him to the records room in the basement.
Except this case was not usual so Jack left the building instead
Walking east a block to his favorite cafe. The place meant
Oh, hard to put this in words, it was where Jack
Never was at a loss for new ideas. Odd little joint.
Despite having frequented it for years, it lacks
Every sign of the familiar. That was exactly the point.
Right now Jack needed to enjoy a cup
Mull over what he had experienced
Isolate the events that did not add up.
Next he would list the outliers. He glanced
Toward the folder on the table top.
Sure he wanted to open it. But no, not this time cop.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Oh, for a breath mint
Getting into the lift Jack Oneal felt dazed
Only moments ago expecting to be yelled at in Sgt. Cooper's
Office, he had instead received a commendation and now raced
Down the bowels of police department headquarters. A trooper
Coughed and covered his mouth. Jack clutched the file folder.
Onion breath from a recent sandwich lunch
Produced an unpleasant olfactory moment. Bolder
Breath than a smoggy inner city, thought Oneal. On a hunch
All his days of waiting for a lead had paid off.
Doors of the lift relieved the occupants
Contained in it from the stale cough,
Opening with mercy to the ground floor. Plants
Placed symmetrically about the lobby
Seemed to wilt slightly at the introduction of foul-mouthed bobby.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Quantum Poetry
"Harold. You are right. The problems I face daily
Are wonderful compared to a known outcome.
Please forgive me. I could be Stephen Hawking, gaily
Plotting the unknown universe but nearly dumb.
Yes. Almost silent if not for an eye muscle's
Belligerence. Think of it, the organ most of us need
In taking information, he uses as a mind projector. Bustles
Relieve us with distractions. He would likely cede
Theories galore for the ability to swat a mosquito by
Hand. Such is the cost of genius. Humility
Deals the royal flush to the ones who happily
Avoid playing cards. What if we were already in Yosemite.
You know, God's wildlife preserve for
2. Eden. And everything here is sure.
Until like a long-legged fly, his mind moves upon why."
Friday, October 3, 2014
"You better free your mind instead."
Occupy Thoughts
"Striving is a worthwhile exercise, Daniel. But it is only
Exercise. Don't muddy it up with belief and certainly don't
Err by thinking there is any direct link from it to faith. Lonely
Kings have sought to channel the powerless and owned
Freedom as a veneer not as a result. You can't
Individualize and repeat. Living is not as simple as shampoo
Rinse instructions. I know we think we would like scant
Servitude to rules over freewill at times. But that is a moo
Too far and it leads straight to a living slaughterhouse of the soul.
Go out into the world and watch and listen, listen closely.
Open your ears and eyes so you can feel the goal
Do not reach for it, but know it is beside you. Cozily
Sense it is yours and let it go. The key to the
Kingdom is not a possession, it is a gift. Give a
Sigh for what you yearn for. Follow the breath it takes out the door"
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Enjoy the tide; don't measure it.
But the whole feeling of his circumstance echoed like a
Yodel within a valley. Or maybe more like one's sense of self after a
Car accident as a coworker had once told him and it reminded him of Laika:
Heroic, youthful astronaut dog in that movie. The coworker had seen a rafter-eye
Accord of his being days beyond the accident as if his soul flew
Near his body. Daniel had often wondered what that experience was:
Channeling? Near Death? Perspective shift? None of these quite drew
Equal parallels to what this experience of his was. George Bailey's in-laws
Perhaps could relate, but still, this was no Potterville.
Usual and calm in most ways this spacetime
Rang true in some very pleasant ways. The daily treadmill
Pushed on but not in any irritating clime.
Oh, maybe the modern scientists were now empathizing with ancient theologians.
Sure, they conquered the world with Newton, but in quantum ways they hold back oceans.
Every day new leaks in reality's dike. Harold broke in: "Don't try to fix faith with a wake."
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Visiting the visitor
On the bookshelf in Apartment 3-D are titles
Understandably familiar to Daniel. Ones he's
Tried to read, ones he's read, a bible,
Some he'd wished he had read. "Geez!
It's different but the same!" he declared looking
Down the shelves and then over a case of audio cassettes
"Eavesdropping on my own dreams." he said, ducking
Through the beaded door curtain separating the dinette
"Ha. Yep, unwashed dishes in the sink. I live here alright"
Eerie feelings about what would happen if his double walked
Through the door, went away when he realized, with fright
In that moment one timeline to the right, his double talked
More or less to himself about the same feelings:
Emptiness in a tactile dreamscape leaves one reeling.
So he decided it was the thought equivalent of standing tween facing mirrors as if caught.
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