Thursday, June 26, 2014


I used to think that there was danger in missing God's message
But now i know that it is not so rare a thing that i need
to strain to hear, since God speaks so steadily with clear
insightful sounds and is usually nearby like when i walk
my dog and the caretaker of a neighborhood lady of advancing
years stops to tell me how smart crows are. She fed one bread: one slice
and it picked it up and paused and put it down and cawed
and folded it neatly in two before it ascended and yawed
ever so slightly. It made me think of the eloquent device
Madeleine L'Engle uses to explain spacetime concepts by dancing
deftly around the math and using something like origami talk
to tesseract the moment and paper airplane the thought 'tween dear
Meg and Charles Wallace and children in other times. Indeed
maybe an airplane's not it at all, but a floating swan's mirror image.

PS. If you wan't to make the swan follow this link: How to make an Origami Swan 

Be sure to see the swan egg submitted by egegwrh in the comment section. It shows that with brute force sometimes a result can be achieved.  

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